
Showing posts from October, 2015

Waiting for being NORMAL!

It’s said that whenever you have spiders in your dreams, there is a female who is ruling in your life. May be that’s because spiders also have big boobs to lure men! But what if there is a male who is ruling in your life? Of course, for that we don’t have such myths because we females have always been dominated by them. Thus something which is there always in your consciousness, you can’t really have that in your sub-conscious or unconsciousness. All of my female friends wait for their boyfriends at the coffee shop because they are always late, they wait for them to love them instead of lusting them, they wait for their boyfriends to give them surprises on their birthdays and they wait for them to reply back (I think this is the most common one). Since history has always been a major tool for scholars to proof their facts. Though I am not scholar but yes I have facts to. King Dushanta’s wife Sakuntala who waited for her husband to recognize their marriage, God Ram’s spouse Seeta w...