Are you living healthy?

Most of us start our day in haste. We sip the coffee and then finally rush to our daily course. And the whole day goes on without doing any exercise or physical job that at the end of the day makes us feel tiring and also obese. Also some of us intake protein shake, syrups, medicine or may be some milk component to boost our energies. But do we hardly understand the meaning of exercising the body? Oh! Talking about jogging, running, yoga, gyming and may be other potential ways to increase our efficiency will be so mundane. Because we all are busy people living our hazy city-life and we don’t have time for that. But mind it we have all time to party and obviously anytime to eat food. I am not trying to be ironical at this hour of time. But I am actually just showing you the true picture of your daily life. That how unjust you are doing to your body. Waking up early and enjoying the morning is seriously not enough. You need to be more .But what? This essay is an answer to this...