It's ex-a:m...!!

Waking up with the text that belongs to your past life and suddenly realizing “OMFG! Em mortified!” I guess it has happened to most of us and we all have the same reaction. Instead some of us have also added “oh! Wasn’t he supposed to be dead?” Today out of nowhere suddenly my friend texted me in the morning “Cherie my ex texted me at 2:01am n I don’t know what to do” when asked what message was she said “well, it’s a casual ‘hey!’"  I never understand that “Are our Exs vampires who only appear at nights?” Or is it that they only miss us then?

To clear these thoughts specifically from Indian teenage lovers or may be only lovers I went into several conversation with my friends. I asked them that why does the importance of texting your ex-boyfriend arouses during the nights or specifically when you are drunk. And to your astonishment, one of my male friends told “Because girls feel special in that way and it’s our indication that we are back!”  My best friend Priyanka texted her ex-boyfriend while she was drunk and told me that “I wasn’t missing the relationship but may be him or may be I wanted to end it nicely which wasn’t possible whence we were in relationship”

I will definitely not blame these love-birds haunted with the memory of their past, but absolutely our psyche. It’s basically society which has taken over our mind and forced us to think that only when you are drunk you are confident and powerful enough. And some have gone to the extent by saying that drunk people do not see spirits. I mean what has spirit to do with Miss MARTINI… digressive though! And so does our Indian love birds made it in their mind. They might not care what their better half’s are doing whole day but when it’s night, they all suddenly start demanding  the other's attention and become surprisingly romantic. This is wrong to say I guess! When you can accept the apologies during days then, why not accept the confessions too. All the special things are not meant to be in nights.Girls really do feel special whenever you text them asking about their health or may be just say "hey i miss you, so i thought to text you!" The more sttraight and open you are with your feelings the more better boyfriend you become or may be ex. When you are special the time doesn’t really matter…!!


  1. Nailed it.
    Maybe the exs are like "Oh its 2 am, lets ruin someone's sleep !

  2. Haha.. An epic incident it was..
    Completely agreed!
    Yes, it was nothing but some psychological courage which all of a sudden popped up when I got drunk.

    1. Thank you. Yes i used it here though. :)

    2. Thank you. Yes i used it here though. :)


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