Splashing with "the routine"...!!
People ask me several times why i always chose to write an articles that in some or other way link to feminism. Well! for one obvious reason that i am feminist and secondly that there are only few men left specifically in India to trust over. Being born and brought up in Delhi and then seeing it transcending into an atrocious place to live (obviously due to gang rapes, robbery, eve-teasing and unhealthy environment for women etc). Thus the vigorous reaction come out towards all men through my articles. Though i do respect men who respect women and their equal space in the world. But talking to my few friends i just realized that it's not only men who want to dominate women but also the women themselves feel lovely being dominated. It is almost true to Edward Said's comment over blacks, that blacks feels subjugated of white, it's never the whites who want to undermine them. But talking psychologically, in case of women, men asked them to keep away of the important works because of obviously one important reason that they are weak during their those famous seven days while man are strong throughout the life,
Critically it's frivolous to even discuss the issue of women security at this "post-post modern era" i would say, where women have already empowered themselves in every states or stages or hierarchy or branches etc etc. But just talking about these "aaj ki naris", i believe girls specifically from Delhi has only learnt how to walk confidently in short or full clothes with their boyfriends. I believe there is hardly any self-dependence or self-confidence left. Actually i would say there is an irony on the word confidence that these women have understood.
Taking today's episode. i was walking with my brother in night down at my place and i see two drunk people driving and they give it swing within the inch of my side, Be it this event or any i never keep myself away of taking my stand and making men understand that they were wrong.But few of my friends(females) got scared of 17-18 years boy just because he was teasing her, What sort of modernism is that? Can anyone explain me that? Well i guess most of you after reading it will say "as usual another article on females but none of you will try and understand why do i need bloody articles even at this era to explain women freedom..!!" This article is specifically to the ladies who feel cute when men dominate them and they make the situation let-it-be. Please please please don't let go of your situation... Raise your voice and that is exactly how you become modern. There is no point of showing off your points when not required, show them when they are needed the most, Take pride in being a women and keep confidence on the rights that you have got.
Critically it's frivolous to even discuss the issue of women security at this "post-post modern era" i would say, where women have already empowered themselves in every states or stages or hierarchy or branches etc etc. But just talking about these "aaj ki naris", i believe girls specifically from Delhi has only learnt how to walk confidently in short or full clothes with their boyfriends. I believe there is hardly any self-dependence or self-confidence left. Actually i would say there is an irony on the word confidence that these women have understood.
Taking today's episode. i was walking with my brother in night down at my place and i see two drunk people driving and they give it swing within the inch of my side, Be it this event or any i never keep myself away of taking my stand and making men understand that they were wrong.But few of my friends(females) got scared of 17-18 years boy just because he was teasing her, What sort of modernism is that? Can anyone explain me that? Well i guess most of you after reading it will say "as usual another article on females but none of you will try and understand why do i need bloody articles even at this era to explain women freedom..!!" This article is specifically to the ladies who feel cute when men dominate them and they make the situation let-it-be. Please please please don't let go of your situation... Raise your voice and that is exactly how you become modern. There is no point of showing off your points when not required, show them when they are needed the most, Take pride in being a women and keep confidence on the rights that you have got.
Thank you Mohit for commenting,..!! :)