1. The Monochromatic Lovestory

ME: Of course and neither of you are teenage lovers anymore!
Agastya: Right! In fact even I would never love to
be that type of asymmetric boyfriend and after knowing her since like six long years, I
knew that you know… big things does not make her happy, she is the person who
finds happiness in little things!
ME: So when was it when you realized that you love
Agastya: Ahm…!! It was not definitely the love at
first sight. It took me a long while to get to a decision that weather it’s an infatuation
or some likeness or so some monochromatic love. So I tell you, she is amazing
dancer with an amazing sense of humor!
ME: Oooh! That’s monochromatic either! I mean the
combination is pretty rare!
Agastya: Yeah I manage somehow! (looks down and
smile with one brow up, coyest) So she
was dancing in one of our college functions and she looked so vivacious that
day and she won some prize I remember! After (stressing the word) gaining that
certificate she came straight to me and hugged me! And I tell you we shared
same group! So her reaction was like not
understandable to anyone of us, excluding me (says in an ecstatic way) cuz she
was hugging me so tight-ed-ly.
ME: Awwww!! Haha, So it was this day when you felt
there is much more in it!
Agastya: Yes, it’s like I got “Santa’s jingle” like
you know you got the clue.
ME: ahaha, So when and how did you express this joy?
Agastya: Like I was telling you, I decided to
express it on her 21st Birthday. So all our group friends were present
and it was a roof top party, luckily!
ME: Oh! You say luckily. I can feel something vivacious
Agastya: Probably!
So it was like we had booze, we all were drunk, the cake was cut already, we have
danced and the party is about to end. I thought this is the best time cuz you
know, she thought like yes, this is the end of her birthday and nothing more is
coming. So she was very tired, all gauzy looking completely exhausted. Then I said
to her “Can I talk to you for a minute!” And the moment I held her hand, to
take her separately, I had verse with the DJ of the lounge we were in.
It was like say 11 p:m, I told him before
that exactly at this time start playing her favorite song ‘Martin Garrix- In
The Name Of Love’.
ME: Oh my gawwwd! That’s my favorite song too. I
think the half of your work is done there only.
Agastya: haha, right! Strategy you see! So I asked
her exactly two minutes past 11 that you know I want to say something to you
and I am very serious for that. So the song started to play and we started to
dance. She got so sanguine to know what’s coming. I started to hum the line “In the silence, when there's no one by
your side, Would you call in the name of love?” and then said her suddenly that
“Baby, I love you and I think there is no one ever going to be more special than
you!” I deliberately chose the simple words but as soon as the line came “In
the name of loooovve” (while singing and at utmost excitement level) the fireworks
began. I asked my servant to you know start the 61 blue sky shots on this line.
ME: Oh my my! SIXTY
ONE SKY SHOTS! That would be like a beautiful plague! I mean I got goose bumps
even while hearing. I feel so jealous for your girl that she gets to feature in
the event as a leading actress!
Agastya: And I tell
you, she started to see above and she started to lean her back on me and then I
held her from the back and I asked “babe, the answer” and she said “you need
it? Didn’t you get it that day only when I held you so tight after winning that
competition, you fool! I was waiting for a moment like this.” I cannot explain
in my words what the view was at the time like blue sky shot fireworks and my
lady in my arms. I think I read somewhere this explanation that sky shots are “the
edges you can't tell if it's something furry or something on fire. It was a
pretty breezy night [as it was] so I ended up with some really elegant wisps of
ME: That was very beautiful story, I hope you and your anonymous lady who has succumb the veins of your heart in her's, stays forever! I wish you all the best and love.
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